Contents tagged with code
Non-blocking semaphore to avoid reentrancy in .NET
Here is a small programming tip I thought I would share. Sometimes in .NET / C# I find myself needing to write a pattern similar to this:
private bool m_bSemaphore = false;
private void … more
Get duration using Media Foundation and C#
I was sidetracked today by a rather interesting problem; How to get duration using Media Foundation and C#? I've worked on several projects over the years where I needed a simple method to get the … more
Compute!'s Gazette
When I was just a kid, I loved computers. Everything was 8 bit back then, and everything was comprehensible by a 14 year old. 65xx assembler wasn't very difficult, and you could apply your … more
Machine Language for Beginners
Like a gazillion other people, I now have a WordPress site. Unlike a gazillion other people, this site is (currently) has no point. It is simply a playground for me to get my feet wet. I wanted to … more